
A basic orientation on Ayurveda
What is Dravya (substance) according to ayurveda
Dravya – Foundation of physical exercise
What are nine essential elements
What is Dravya (substance) according to ayurveda
What are nine essential elements
Dravya – Foundation of physical exercise
Dravya classes according dominance of five great elements
Guna (Physical Properties of Matter), Karma (Action of Matter)
Gurvadi Guna
Samvay (Property of Integrity)
Variety of Karma (Action)
3 cateogories of Edibles
Properties of Vata Dosha
Properties of Pitta Dosha
Properties of Kapha Dosha
What is agni or the transformation of fire?
What is koshthagni or the central digestive fire?
How the central digestive fire works?
Concept of Dhatu or the body tissues
The seven dhatu
Rasa- The tissue fluid
Rakta – The blood
Mansa – The muscular tissue
Meda – The fatty tissue
Asthi – The Bone
Majja – The marrow
Shukra – the reproductive tissue
What is dhatuvagni or the fire for body tissue transformation?
How does dhartuvagni works?
What is bhutagni or fire for elemental transformation?
What is classical definition of Prakriti (ayurvedic body constituition)?
What is Prakriti (ayurvedic body type)?
What are the primary types of ayurvedic body type?
The somatotype theory
The Normal Vata Height
The Vata Weight
The Vata Face
The Vata Skin
The Vata Hair
The Vata Respiration
The Vata Digestion
The Vata Circulation
The Vata Excretion
The Vata Sleep
The Pitta Constituition
The Pita Weight
The Pita Face
The Pita Skin
The Pita Hair
The Pita Respiration
The Pita Digestion
The Pita Circulation
The Pita Excretion
The Pita Sleep
Kapha Height and Weight
The Kapha Face
The Kapha Skin
The Kapha Hair
The Kapha Respiration
The Kapha Digestion
The Kapha Circulation
The Kapha Excretion
The Kapha Sleep
What is Rasa Panchak
What is Rasa?
Evolution of 6 Rasa
Movement of Rasa
Combinations of Rasa
What is Anurasa?
Examples of Anurasa
Definition – Madhur Rasa (Sweet Taste)
Definition – Amla Rasa (SourTaste)
Definition – Lavan Rasa (SaltyTaste)
Definition – Katu Rasa Bitter Taste)
Definition – Tikta Rasa (Pungent Taste)
Definition – Kashaya Rasa (Astringent Taste)
Properties of Sweet Taste
Effects of Excess Sweet Taste
Properties of Sour Taste
Effects of Excess Sour Taste
Properties of Salty Taste
Effects of Excess Salty Taste
Properties of Pungent Taste
Effects of Excess Pungent Taste
Effects of Excess Bitter Taste
Properties of Bitter Taste
Properties of Astringent Taste
Effects of Excess Astringent Taste
What is Virya (Potency)?
Primary types of Virya
Heat Creating potency and its impact
Coolness creating potency and its impact
Vata balancing and aggravating factors
What is the relation between Rasa and Virya?
What are the exceptions to Rasa-Virya Relation?
What is Vipaka or the transformed taste?
What are the stages of Vipaka (Digestion)?
What are the types of Vipaka?
What is the effect of Vipaka?
What is the difference between Rasa and Vipaka?
What is Special effect prabhava?
Vata – General Dietary Choices
Vata – Consistent Schedule
Vata Self – care Practises
Vata Grounding Activities
Vata Mindfullness and meditation
Ideal Vata Lifestyle – Short Notes
Vata Social Connection
Pitta – General Dietary Choices
Pitta- Daily Routine
Pitta- Work and Stress Management
Pitta- Emotional Well being
Pitta- Environmental Factors
Ideal Lifestyle Pitta – Short Notes
Kapha – General Dietary Choices
Kapha – Exercise and Movement
Kapha -Lifestyle and Routine
Kapha – Mental and emotional well being
Kapha – sleep and rest
Ideal Lifestyle Kapha- Short Notes
Grains for Vata
Legumes and Pulses for Vata
Vegetables for Vata
Oils and Fats for Vata
Meat for Vata
Dairy Products for Vata
Sweetners for Vata
Dry Fruits for Vata
Alcohols for Vata
Spices for Vata
Tips for an Ideal Vata Diet- Short Notes
Grains for Pitta
Legumes and Pulses for Pitta
Fruits for Pitta
Vegetables for Pitta
Oils and Fats for Pitta
Meat for Pitta
Dairy Products for Pitta
Sweetners for Pitta
Dry Fruits for Pitta
Alcohols for Pitta
Spices for Pitta
Tips for an Ideal Pitta Diet – Short Notes
Grains for Kapha
Legumes and Pulses for Kapha
Fruits for Kapha
Vegetables for Kapha
Oils and Fats for Kapha
Dry Fruits for Kapha
Alcohols for Kapha
Tips for an Ideal Kapha Diet – Short Notes
What is an incompatible combination ayurveda?
Positive advice regarding Incompatible Combination
Desh Virrudha (Incompatible to location)
Kala Virrudha (Incompatible to Time)
Agni Virrudha (Incompatible to Digestive Capacity)
Matra Virrudha (Incompatible to Quantity)
Satmya Virrudha (Incomaptible to Habit)
Dosha Virrudha (Incompatible to Metabolic Pattern)
Sanskara Virrudha- Honey (Incompatible to Processing)
Virya Virrudha (Incompatible to Potency)
Sanskara Virrudha- Dairy(Incompatible to Processing)
Koshtha Virrudha (Incompatible to Digestive System)
Avastha Virrudha (Incompatible to Condition)
Krama Virrudha (Incompatible to Sequence)
Parihar Virrudha (Incompatible to Hot and heavy food)
Upchar Virrudha (Incompatible to Tratment Protocol)
Paak Virrudha (Incompatible to Cooking)
Sayog Virrudha (Incompatible to Combined Consumption)
Hridya Virrudha (Incompatible to Heart)
Sampad Virrudha (Incompatible to Natural Properties)
Viddhi Virrudha (Incompatible to Consumption Process)
Guna Virrudha (Incompatible to Special Properties)
Health implication of incompatible food combinations
Wrong Combinations with milk
Natural farming method
What is the primary food cateogory in ayurveda
What are Shookdhanya?
Ayurvedic Superfood – barley
Historical importance of Barley
Shali Rice
Shali – Burnt Soil
Shali – Farm Grown
Shali – Natural Farming
Shali – Replanted
Shali – Reharvested
Rakht Shali – Red Rice
Brihi – Shashtika Rice
Godhuma – Wheat
Shimbi dhanya
Origin of “dal”
Moong dal
Urad Dal